Binary/Hexadecimal Converter

Binary, hexadecimal and decimal number systems are different ways of representing numbers. Binary numbers use only two digits: 0 and 1, and are used by computers to store and process information. Hexadecimal numbers use 16 digits: 0 to 9 and A to F, and are used to represent large binary numbers in a compact and human-readable way. Decimal numbers use 10 digits: 0 to 9, and are the standard form of representing numbers in mathematics and everyday life.

To convert numbers between different systems, we can use tables and formulas. For example, to convert a binary number to decimal, we multiply each bit by its positional value (a power of 2) and add them up. To convert a hexadecimal number to decimal, we multiply each hex digit by its positional value (a power of 16) and add them up. To convert a decimal number to binary or hexadecimal, we divide the number by the base (2 or 16) repeatedly and write the remainders in reverse order.

Conversion Table

Binary to Hexadecimal Converter


Hexadecimal to Binary Converter
